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    How do you send money with Interac e-Transfer? Log into your online or mobile banking app and select the account. Choose or add your recipient’s email or mobile number. Add Ayyematouch E-mail : Enter the amount and a security question (no need if the recipient has registered for Interac e-Transfer® Autodeposit).
    Arrive with a freshly clean face and impeccably clean lashes. Residual oils and makeup remaining on the lashes will only prevent the adhesive from properly bonding. This point needs to be stressed - do not arrive still wearing eye makeup or MASCARA! Avoid oil based products on and around the eyes. No concealer as it keeps the eyepatch from holding into place. Remove your contacts, if you wear them. I recommend my clients wear glasses the day of service. Do not show up with a low bun, high bun. As it can be VERY uncomfortable for the neck during the treatment. High buns will also be in the way of the lash tech as she is close the your head area. Always recommend taking a shower before treatment with clean hair. As they need to be loose during treatment and because it is recommended to avoid water 24h after treatment.
  • Classic lash set
    1 lash extension on 1 natural lash. Classic set falls on the natural type of sets. This creates a more sharp but natural look. PRICES : FULL SET CLASSIC : 105$ REFILL 2 WEEKS: 40$ REFILL 3 WEEKS: 50$ REFILL 4 WEEKS: 60$ REFILL 5 WEEKS : 70$ or full set BOOKING ONLINE
  • Hybrid lash set
    Hybrid set is a mixture of volume fans and classic lashes. The perfect in between classic and volume. Light and fluffy and is perfect for clients who want something soft but still noticaeble. PRICES : FULL SET HYBRID : 120$ REFILL 2 WEEKS: 50$ REFILL 3 WEEKS: 60$ REFILL 4 WEEKS: 70$ REFILL 5 WEEKS: 80$ or full set BOOKING ONLINE
  • Volume lash set
    Volume set is perfect if you want darkness and Drama! PRICES : FULL SET VOLUME : 135$ REFILL 2 WEEKS: 60$ REFILL 3 WEEKS: 70$ REFILL 4 WEEKS: 80$ REFILL 5 WEEKS: 90$ or full set BOOKING ONLINE
  • Mega Volume lash set
    Mega Volume is the same as volume but alot more dramatic and darkness. This set is good for clients with strong lashes and want lashes to last them longer. These are very lightweight lashes that creates a very extra, fluffy dramatic look. DURATION OF FULL SET : 2h00 min DURATION OF A REFILL : 1h30 min PRICES : FULL SET MEGA VOLUME : 155$ REFILL 2 WEEKS: 70$ REFILL 3 WEEKS: 80$ REFILL 4 WEEKS: 90$ REFILL 5 WEEKS: 100$ or full set BOOKING ONLINE
    PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING : ​Must be 16 and older to book an appointment 20$ deposit is required in order to have a confirmed appointment. Please leave your phone number so I can contact you for the deposit. Deposits are non-refundable and only transferable to another appointment if rescheduled with at least a 48 hour notice No deposit, No appointment If you arrive late, your appointment time will not be extended 15$ fee for 15min tardiness and your appointment IS NOT extended. I will work with the time left and the price stays the same as if you came in on time 15+ minutes late and the appointment is automatically cancelled, your deposit will not be refunded No guests or pets Please arrive with no make-up. If there is any make-up in your lashes it will be a 10$ fee Appointments must be booked 48h in advance Open hours : Monday - Friday After hours : 30$ ( if i accepted ) No Negotiation Weekends : OFF (Saturday/Sunday) Payement: Cash preferably or we accept e-transfer Address and directions will be provided 24h in advance only. Location : Saint Eustache near the Saint eustache hospital Clients must follow all the aftercare instructions in order to ensure the best retention
    PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING : ​ Must read the Information, Before treatment & Policies to ensure they are properly informed and if you are a good candidate for this service. It’s a lot of information, but it’s very important that each client understand everything prior to booking an appointment. Name, number and date Must send a 50$ deposit (deducted from the final cost) Must be 18+ older NO REFUNDS for any last minute cancellation. Please book WISELY! If needed to change the date of appointment, it must 2 weeks AHEAD of original date. Anything after that the deposit will be considered a cancellation fee. To reschedule it will be a new appointment with a new deposit. I DO NOT take clients who need a cover up If you arrive later then 20minutes late, we must reschedule or cancel.( The deposit will be FORFEITED. Please give yourself time) Do not arrive earlier than 10minutes. As i might be on a break, snack break, cleaning, booking clients, organizing etc. NO GUESTS OR PETS When booking an Appointement time slot, PLEASE leave your number so i can contact you through SMS for futher information. I will be sending you my Email for the 50$ deposit. Once that has been done, your appointement will be officially booked !
  • Les extensions de cils vont-elles ruiner mes cils naturels?
    Non, si les extensions de cils sont placées correctement sur chaque cil naturel. Vousrisquez de perdre des cils si vous tirez dessus. Ne paniquez pas si votre cil naturel sedétache avec l'extension de cil, car il arrive souvent que son cycle soit terminé. On perd2-3 cils naturels PAR JOUR sans quon s'en rendre compte. Parfois, c’est le cil avec unextension, alors nous avons donc tendance à le remarquer davantage. Les personnes ayant des cils minces et faibles peuvent voir une perte de cils plusévidente en raison du poids constant placé sur les cils faibles. Mais il est importantd'avoir le bon poids.
  • Est-ce normal si mes yeux me brûlent / me démangent pendant ou après le service des cils?
    Ce n'est pas «normal» mais c'est très fréquent. Cela signifie simplement que vous pouvez avoir une allergie à la colle pour les cils ou au cache-oeil mis sous vos yeux pendant le processus. Certains cas sont extrêmes, certains peuvent être corrigés. Benadryl aide 1 heure avant et il peut être utile d'en prendre une après. C’est toujours un risque d’y penser une fois pour la première fois.
  • Est-ce que faire cils est douloureux?
    comme je l'ai dit, à moins que vous n'ayez des allergies à faire des produits ( patch /colle ) alors non c'est indolore! Beaucoup de mes clients font des siestes et se réveillentavec leurs cils faits!
  • Puis-je mouiller mes cils?
    bien sûr! Si les cils étaient trop d'entretien, ils ne seraient pas aussi populaires que je lepense. Toujours recommander de ne pas avoir d'eau sur les cils pendant 24 heuresaprès le rendez-vous. Vous pouvez vous laver le visage comme vous le faites toujours,juste pour être doux autour des yeux (ne pas frotter vos cils).
  • Comment laver mes cils?
    mesdames, il est très important de laver vos cils !! Je recommande d'utiliser un LASHBATH. Il est livré avec une brosse où vous venez de mettre simplement 2 pompes demousse de bain pour les cils sur la brosse. Mettez une brosse sur les cils doucement etdéplacez-vous en mouvement circulaire. Si vous n'avez pas de bain de cils, je recommande d'utiliser un démaquillant ou unnettoyant pour le visage (PAS D'HUILE), en mettre sur le bout des doigts et Laver délicatement vos cils comme si vous enleviez le mascara. Je vais vendre mes propres cils, alors restez à l'écoute pour ça!
  • Combien de temps dois-je faire mes recharges?
    toutes les 2-3 semaines en général. Certaines personnes prennent jusqu'à 3-4semaines. Cela dépend principalement du type de cils que vous avez et de la façondont vous les entretenez et prenez bien soin d'eux.
  • Combien de temps dure un ensemble complet?
    un ensemble complet peut prendre de 1h30 à 2h30. Dépend toujours du type de cilsque je traite, si la paupière a tendance à trembler, du nombre de cils, etc.
  • Est-il normal que si je demande un certain type de look, il ne ressemble pas à la photo?"
    Oui! c'est normal si vous n'avez pas la même forme d'oeil, les mêmes longueurs de cils, lemême genre de cils il est normal qu'il ne soit pas identique. Nous essayons toujours defaire de notre mieux pour qu'il ressemble, mais il ne sera jamais identique à une imagemontrée.
  • Est-ce normal si je perds un cil naturel avec l’extension?
    Oui! la plupart du temps, cela signifie simplement que le cycle de vos cils naturels est entièrement terminé et prêt à tomber. et il se trouve que c'est un cil avec une extension.
  • Après combien de semaines dois-je commencer à perdre les extensions de cils?
    Après environ 1,5 semaine, vous devriez progressivement constater une perte d'extensions de cils. C'est pourquoi il est toujours recommandé de réserver des recharges 2 semaines après le rendez-vous initial.
  • Si j'ai des cils courts, est-il possible d'avoir des extensions de cils?"
    Oui, mais les options de longueur et de poids dépendront de la longueur et de la force des cils naturels. Il est important de ne pas se fier aux images pour les mêmes résultats car il est impossible de recréer le meme look, amoin que vous avez les mêmes caractéristiques que sur la photo.
  • Si j'ai des cils droits viser vers le bas, est-il possible d'obtenir des extensions de cils?"
    Oui, en fait, les cils droits sont les plus faciles à compléter un fullset. Il existe different types de courbure pour différents types de cils naturels et en fonction de la visibilité que nous voulons des cils.
  • C'est la première fois que je fais mes cils, quel type de fullset est recommandé?"
    Je pars toujours du bon côté et commence avec un ensemble plus naturel. Soit classique, hybride léger ou volume léger en fonction de plusieurs facteurs. Mais tout dépend des préférences de la cliente et du type de look qu'elle recherche.
  • Chargez-vous par semaines ou par créneaux horaires?
    La façon dont je facture mes prix sont au nombre de semaines et pas nécessairement par le temps. Ce qui est important c'est que le travail est bien fait et que les cils soient pleins, que cela prenne moins ou plus de temps. Cependant, il y a un certain temps que je ne devrais pas depasser pour une refill, car cela devient alors un set complet.
  • Faites-vous des ensembles de cils style Wispy?
    Oui, c'est possible, mais pour obtenir un résultats visible, je ne le fais que en fullset Volume Puisque je joue avec différents types de longueurs et de cils, cela peut prendre un peu plus de temps pour obtenir ce look spécifique. C'est aussi un prix différent qu’un fullset Volume normal. Vous pouvez aller jeter un œil dans la section LASH EXTENSIONS/ONLINE BOOKING. Les prix sont différents d’un volume régulier.
  • Vous avez des cils bruns ?
    oui, mais uniquement sur demande et en fonction de la couleur des cils naturels de la cliente. Le prix est également plus cher car ces produits coûtent plus cher. Svp me contacter pour plus d'informations!
  • Proposez-vous des formations ?
    La question que je reçois le plus ! Je suis très heureuse d'annoncer que je proposerai des formations 1 contre 1 et des cours de perfectionement pour 2022. Restez à l'écoute !
  • Will lash extensions ruin my natural lashes?
    No, if lash extensions are placed on properly on each natural lash. You may experience loss of lashes if you tug and pull on them. Do not freak if your natural lash comes off with the lash extension, because often times that’s when its cycle is finished. We lose 2-3 natural lashes PER DAY without realizing it. Sometimes it ends up to be the lash with an extension on it so we tend to notice it more. People with thin, weak lashes may see more obvious loss of eyelashes due to the constant weight placed on weak lashes. But it is important to have the right weight .
  • Is it normal if my eyes burn/itch during or after the lash service?
    It isn’t “normal” but it is very frequent. This simply means you may have an allergy to the lash glue or eye patch put under your eyes during the process. Some cases are extreme, some cases can be toughed out. Benadryl helps 1hour before and it can help to take one after. It’s always a risk to think about once getting your lashes done for the first time.
  • Does getting your lashes done hurt?
    like I’ve said, unless you have allergies to do products (eye patch/Glue/primer) then no it is painless! A lot of my clients take naps and wake up with their lashes done!
  • Can i wet my lashes?
    of course! If lashes were too much of maintenance it wouldn’t be as popular as it is i believe. Always recommend not having water on lashes for 24 hours after the appointment. You may wash your face as you always do, just to be gentle around the eyes (do not rub on your lashes)
  • How do i wash my lashes?
    ladies it is very important to wash your lashes!! I recommend using a LASH BATH. It comes with a brush where you basically just put 2 pumps of lash bath foam on the brush. Put brush on lashes gently and move in circular motion. If you have no lash bath, i recommend using a makeup remover or face wash (NO OILS), put some on finger tips and GENTLY wash your lashes as if you were removing mascara off. I will be selling my own lash baths so please stay tuned for that!
  • How long should i get my refills done?
    every 2-3 weeks generally. Some people take up to 3-4 weeks. Mostly depends on the type of lashes you have and how you maintain and take good care of them.
  • How long is a full set?
    a full set may take up anywhere from 1h30min - 2h30min. Always depends on the kind of lashes im dealing with, if the eyelid tends to shake, the number of lashes etc.
  • Is it normal that if i ask for a certain kind of look it doesn’t look like the picture?
    Yes! it is normal if you do not have the same eye shape, same lash lengths, same kind of lashes it is normal for it not to look identical. We always try to do our best for it to look similar but it will never look identical to a picture shown
  • Is it normal if i lose a natural lash with the extension?
    Yes! a lot of the time that just means the cycle of your natural lash is fully done and is ready to shed. and it happens to be a lash with an extension on it.
  • After how many weeks should i start losing lash extensions?
    after about 1.5 week you should gradually experience loss of lash extensions. Which is why it is always recommended to book refills 2 weeks after the initial appointment.
  • If I have short lashes, is it possible to have lash extensions?"
    Yes, but the options on length and weight will depend on how short and how strong the natural lashes are. The lash industry has evovled tremendously and there is always a solution. However, It is very important not to rely on pictures from someone else expecting the same results. It is impossible to recreate an identical set, if not the sam features.
  • If I have straight lashes facing downwards, is it possible to get lash extensions?"
    Yes, in fact straight lashes are the easiest sets to complete. There are specific types of curls of lash extensions for all kind of natural lashes and depending on how visible we want the lashes to be and what kind of look we are going for.
  • It is my first time getting my lashes done, what set is recommended?"
    I always go on the safe side and would start with a more natural set. Either classic, light hybrid or light volume depending on various factors. But it all depends on the clients preferences and what kind of look she is going for.
  • Do you charge your prices by the # weeks or in time slots?
    The way I charge my prices are by the # of weeks and not necessarily by the time. I have a pretty consistent retention and have worked hard to keep it that way. I also have a good idea of what a 2 week/3 week/4 week refill should look like if the client takes good care of her lashes. There is a minimum of time i do need in order to fill in the lashes, however there is a certain amount of time i shouldn't t go over.
  • Do you do Wispy lash sets ?
    Yes it is possible, however to get a visible wispy set I only do it as a volume set. Since I am playing with different kind of lengths and lashes, it may take a little bit longer, more concentration aswell in order to achieve this specific look. It is also a different Price, then normal VOLUME set. You may go and take a look in the Lash extension section. Prices are different than regular volume.
  • Do you have brown lashes?
    yes, but only on demande and depending on the colour of the clients natural lashes. Price is also more expensive as these product cost more. Please contact me for more information!
  • Do you offer any kind of training ?
    Yes , we offer private 1:1 lash extension trainings at Ayyemastouch. - Lash extension Masterclass training ( classic, hybrid, volume ) - Volume lash extension training - Classic lash extension training - Advance volume lash extension training Please message us, if interested.
  • Is Ombre powder same thing as Microblading ?
    NO! there are many similarities when it comes down to after care. But it isn’t the same technique/service/outcome. Microblading is a technique creating 3D hair strokes
  • How long does it last?
    Varies between 2-5 years DEPENDING on how good you maintain it, if the skin takes it well or if the skin rejects the foreign substance, the colour choice, daily routines etc.
  • How long is the process?
    The procedure can take up to 3 hours. Give yourself time as i need to take time to perfect and focus without any distractions to rush.
  • Does it hurt ?
    Every person is different. For some is very painful and for others not. I do put numbing cream to try to reduce as much pain as i can.
  • Do i need a touch up ?
    It is always recommended to have a touch up after 6-8 weeks. It is enough time for it to heal, fade, shrink a bit in size. The touch up appointment is where we can modify/correct anything. (Darken colour, outline the brow shape, fill in holes etc.)
  • If i want the same brows shown on a picture, will i get the same results?"
    NO! everybody is different, (face features, brows, skin tone etc) i will do my best to make what i can similar but i function with your own brows and what makes sense for you!
  • Is it possible that my skin doesn’t retain pigment?
    Yes it is unfortunately. If after 2 sessions the pigment doesn’t seem to hold, most likely the skin rejected it.
  • If my skin rejects the pigment, will i get a refund?"
    unfortunately no. If the service was done as it should have been done, how the skin reacts is out of my control.
  • Do I need to take a day off work?
    No. There’s no downtime associated with the treatment. Redness and swelling will dissipate within an hour after. Your brows will appear darker initially, but not so dark that you will be prevented from your activities of daily living.
  • How do I extend the life of the procedure?
    Your eyebrows will last longer if you apply sun block often and avoid abrasive facial treatments in the brow area.
  • How will you choose my color?
    We go off based on your skin tone and your natural brow hair. Clients who are used to having no brows for a long time, can find this few weeks challenging. I usually advise clients who have no brows to start wearing pencil or brow shading for some time before the process so they get used to having a brow!
  • What if i don’t like it?
    Although Microblading or Ombre shading tattoo is considered to be semi-permanent, the procedure does allow flexibility for color or shape change to some extent. However, I will work closely with you to ensure that you are satisfied with the proposed technique. I will allow you to have as much control over the procedure as possible, so there’s very little room for error. If you do not like the decision you made, the Touch Up can be cancelled and the pigmented area naturally fades over time. If you aren’t 100% sure you would benefit from this procedure, please opt for a more temporary options.
    What is ombre powder ? Ombre powder is the newest shading method. This method creates pixilated dots that create powdered filled brows with a smooth front. It has a fading effect where the front is lightest going to darkest making the ARC and TIP most pigmented and more defined. it has a more natural make up look. It is PERMANENT MAKE UP technique and OMBRE POWDER is the method. DURATION OF PROCEDURE : 2h30 - 3h00 min. PRICESS : OMBRE POWDER BROWS: 400$ 4-8 WEEK TOUCH UP: 100$ 2.5-6 MONTHS TOUCH UP: 150$ 6.5-9 MONTHS TOUCH UP: 175$ 9.5- 1 YEAR TOUCH UP: 200 Please view the DISQUALIFICATION LIST below before booking. If you schedule your appointment and have one of the conditions listed, I will refuse service and you will lose your deposit. Permanent makeup is NOT RECOMMENDED for any clients who are or have: • Pregnant or nursing • History of Keloids or Hypertrophic Scarring • Diabetic (require doctor’s clearance) • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor) • Viral Infections and/or Diseases • Epilepsy • Pacemaker or major heart problems • Organ transplant • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.) • Sick (cold, flu, etc.) • Accutane in the past year • Had Botox in the past 2 months • Heart Conditions, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, Poor General Health. • Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system / healing would make you NOT a good candidate for micropigmentation procedures. VERY IMPORTANT!! Touch ups are only for existing clients. - I DO NOT WORK ON OLD MICRO BLADING OR OLD PERMANENT MAKE-UP THAT IS NOT MY WORK - Please leave number in the Note section when taking an appointment. Homemade Lunch Meal is included in this service by Craymamazkitchen. (IG : @craymamazkitchen) BOOKING ONLINE
    Permanent cosmetic enhancements normally require multiple application sessions. To achieve the best results, you will be required to return for at least one control procedure six to ten weeks after the initial application. Be prepared for the color intensity to be significantly sharper and darker immediately after the procedure. This will subside and become softer as the skin heals. This process can take up to 14 days. DO NOT take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 72 hrs prior to your procedure. Tylenol is fine. DO NOT work out 24 hrs prior to your procedure, AVOID sun and tanning one week prior to your procedure. Discontinue Glycolics, Retin-A or Retinol products 4 weeks before the scheduled appointment. DO NOT use AHA skincare products close to the enhancement area 2 weeks prior to and after your procedure. If you've had any cosmetic surgical procedures done on the face area, please wait TWO MONTHS to fully heal prior to the eyebrow tattoo procedure. DO NOT consume any alcohol beverages 24 HOURS before the scheduled appointment. This will prevent any excess bleeding, oozing, and minimizes swelling during the procedure. If there are any open wounds, pimples, bruises, or any other skin irritations on the area; please wait for them to be completely healed before attending the scheduled appointment. Please contact immediately if rescheduling is necessary due to this matter. Do not wax, thread or tint your eyebrows one week before your procedure ( I will shave excess hair ) No facials or chemical peels a week prior to the scheduled appointment. If there are any exfoliation products at home, please use on the brow area a week prior to the appointment for the skin to take in the pigment(s) easily during the procedure.
    For the first couple of days, brows will appear dark and very defined before the scabbing phase. The thickness will subside gradually as the days go by. You may notice whiteness or blanching around the area, this is quite normal and will subside within 12 hours. If you find any lymphatic fluid or blood weeping you can gently clean the area with cool boiled water and gauze, blotting gently dry to remove any moisture. Redness, swelling, and stinging is normal and should subside by the following day completely. If the area feels unbearable for certain individuals who have low pain tolerance, please use a clean ice pack for comfort. You will go through three healing phases: 1-heal, 2-peel and 3-fade. Once the brow area starts to peel, it will appear flaky and unappealing. The area may feel a bit dry. Do not pick or pull at the treated area as it will result in pigment loss Once all scabs have fully fallen off completely and naturally, healed results should appear 10-30% lighter in color and 10-15% smaller in size from the initial. Consider using a waterproof total sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the color fading.
  • From panic buying to curbside pickup: Canadian shopping trends during COVID-19
    Shopping at one of the brick-and-mortars still open during the COVID-19 pandemic is anything but business as usual. Stores are launching contactless experiences, limiting the number of shoppers and even changing floorplans to help keep Canadians safe1. Consumer behaviour is adjusting to the evolving pandemic. Canadians are developing new habits — changing when they shop, how frequently they venture out, and with which payment method they use.
  • COVID-19 accelerating the move to digital payments across Canada
    Interac shopping data shows spike in consumers and businesses choosing digital payments as economy begins to reopen Toronto, May 22, 2020 – According to new data released by Interac Corp., payment transaction records show that today, more than ever, Canadian consumers and businesses are adopting digital methods to spend, send and receive money. A record-setting 61.3 million Interac e-Transfer® transactions took place in April. Interac data shows that since COVID-19 was declared a pandemic[1], Canadians have increasingly opted for digital solutions over cash and cheques – and many for the first time. Since mid-March, first-time Interac e-Transfer users increased by 43 per cent and the average number of transactions increased by 9 per cent compared to the same time last year. While Canadians were using these methods regularly pre-pandemic, a surge in growth of new users on the Interac e-Transfer platform suggests that the shift to digital will last beyond pandemic measures.
  • La poudre Ombre est-elle la même chose que Microblading?
    NON! il existe de nombreuses similitudes en ce qui concerne les soins après. Mais cen'est pas la même technique / service / résultat. Le microblading est une technique de création de coups de cheveux 3D.
  • Combien de temps cela dure-t-il?
    Varie entre 2 et 5 ans SELON la qualité de votre entretien, si la peau la prend bien ou sila peau rejette la substance étrangère, le choix de couleur, les routines quotidiennes,etc.
  • Quelle est la durée du processus?
    La procédure peut prendre jusqu'à 3 heures. Donnez-vous du temps car j'ai besoin deprendre le temps de me perfectionner et de me concentrer sans aucune distraction pourme précipiter.
  • Est-ce que ça fait mal ?
    Chaque personne est différente. Pour certains, c'est très douloureux et pour d'autresnon. Je mets de la crème engourdissante pour essayer de réduire autant que possiblela douleur.
  • Ai-je besoin d'une retouche?
    Il est toujours recommandé d'avoir une retouche après 6-8 semaines. Il lui fautsuffisamment de temps pour guérir, s'estomper, rétrécir un peu. Le rendez-vous deretouche est l'endroit où nous pouvons modifier / corriger quoi que ce soit.(Assombrissez la couleur, re-dessiner la forme des sourcils, remplir si il y a des trous,etc.)
  • Si je veux que les mêmes sourcils apparaissent sur une photo, vais-je obtenir les mêmes résultats?"
    NON! tout le monde est différent (traits du visage, sourcils, teint, etc.) je ferai de monmieux pour faire ce que je peux comparer, mais je fonctionne avec vos propres sourcilset ce qui est logique pour vous!
  • Est-il possible que ma peau ne retienne pas de pigment?
    Oui, malheureusement. Si après 2 séances, le pigment ne semble pas tenir, il est fortprobable que la peau l’a rejeté.
  • Si ma peau rejette le pigment, vais-je obtenir un remboursement?"
    Malheureusement non. Si le service a été effectué comme il aurait dû l'être, la réactionde la peau est hors de mon contrôle.
  • Dois-je prendre un jour de congé?
    Non. Aucun temps d'arrêt n'est associé au traitement. La rougeur et l'enflure sedissiperont dans l'heure qui suit. Vos sourcils apparaîtront plus foncer au début, maispas si fonce que vous serez empêché de vos activités de la vie quotidienne.
  • Comment prolonger la durée de la procédure?
    Vos sourcils dureront plus longtemps si vous appliquez souvent un écran solaire et évitez les traitements faciaux abrasifs dans la zone des sourcils.
  • Comment choisirez-vous ma couleur?
    Nous partons en fonction de votre teint et de vos cheveux naturels. Les clients habituésà ne pas avoir de sourcils depuis longtemps peuvent trouver ces quelques semainesdifficiles. Je conseille généralement aux clients qui n'ont pas de sourcils de commencerà porter un crayon ou un sourcil pendant un certain temps avant le processus afin qu'ilss'habituent à avoir un sourcil!
  • Et si je ne l'aime pas?
    vue que le tatouage par Microblading ou Ombre powder soit considéré comme semipermanent, la procédure permet une certaine flexibilité pour le changement de couleur ou de forme. Cependant, je travaillerai en étroite collaboration avec vous pour vous assurer que vous êtes satisfait de la technique proposée. Je vais vous permettre d'avoir le plus de contrôle possible sur la procédure, donc il y a très peu de place pour l'erreur. Si vous n'aimez pas la décision que vous avez prise, la retouche peut être annulée et la zone pigmentée s'estompe naturellement avec le temps. Si vous n'êtes pas sûr à 100% de bénéficier de cette procédure, veuillez opter pour des options plus temporaires.
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